The Beauty in You: Podcast

Sacred Seasons: Aligning with Nature's Rhythms in Modern Womanhood with Jordana Grace

Chi Quita Mack, MSW Season 1 Episode 12

In this powerful session, Jordana will guide us through the importance of stillness, letting go of control, and the resilience that comes from facing our vulnerabilities. She’ll share her transformative journey from corporate life to Reiki business owner, and how affirmations and understanding feminine energy can redefine success and self-worth.

We'll be enlightened on the significance of menstrual cycles, their impact on our overall wellness, and the importance of having a supportive community to foster personal growth. Prepare for an exploration of natural cycles, rest, and balance as keys to unlocking the full potential of the feminine spirit.

So take a breath, find your calm, and let’s uncover The Beauty in You.

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Jacqueline G. [00:00:01]:
Welcome to the Beauty and you podcast, a safe place created for all women to come relax, get inspired, and be constantly reminded that they have not lost the ability to be who they once were. Join us as we dive into the true meaning of rediscovery through inspiring guests and topics such as healing, self love and creating a positive mindset. So sit back, relax and get comfortable as we dive into to this week's episode. Here's your host, Takita Mack.

Chi Quita Mack [00:00:30]:
Hey, y'all, welcome back to another episode of the Beauty and you podcast. I am so excited as we are heading to Orlando, Florida today, y'all. We are meeting with the one and only Jordana Grace, the sacred feminine executive coach, what she has to offer today. You are not going to want to miss this.

Jordana [00:00:51]:
Hey, happy new year. Happy New year.

Chi Quita Mack [00:00:54]:
You are the first interview of the new year.

Jordana [00:00:57]:
Hey, I'm so pumped. I'm pumped for the new year in an interesting way that hopefully as the conversation flows, we can get into. So I'm excited to keep wishing people a happy new year.

Chi Quita Mack [00:01:15]:
Listen, I don't know what it is about this year. I mean, I know it's like, it's only like ten days in, whatever, but I feel a shift coming. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel it and I'm just going to go with it. So I'm super excited for this year.

Jordana [00:01:34]:
Yeah. Yes. Preach, girl. I feel that. I honestly do feel that. I think we're kind of tuning into that energy. A shift, exciting things, new things. Like I say, as the conversation goes on, it's like being able to be in your body and open up your awareness and your confidence to receive that energetic attunement and knowing when to actually take action on it and knowing when to kind of surrender and allow the unfolding, which is such a beautiful dance.

Jordana [00:02:14]:
So when we're feeling it, we're like, man, there's a shift, man, it's going to be a really cool year. I don't know how to explain it. My ego self, my masculine sort of, let's get it done. Old programming that's all good is like, okay, let's start that television show right now. Let's go ahead and book that. And it's like, okay, baby, chill brewing. Something's coming. And if I'm in the vibe, if I'm energetically in that space, if I'm able to hold the energy of what is possible, which is basically anything and everything, then it's going to flow and it's cool to feel that.

Jordana [00:02:59]:
And you feel a little bit of excitement. But I would also say the new year, January, February, March, even December, is actually when you're looking at an earth based sort of spirituality. Meaning, like, earth is an exact mirror of us, human. We're of the know. So January, February, March, those are winter months. I'm in Florida, so as you can see, it's sunny. I kind of already feel like I want to be sweating, so it's hard to really get in that mode. But in other parts of the country and other parts of the world, if you're in our hemisphere, it's winter, which is a time of rest.

Jordana [00:03:45]:
It's a time of reflection. You go kind of deep within. You can imagine you're sitting by the fire in the cabin or wherever with a blanket and your hot cup of cacao or tea or, I don't know, whiskey or something, glass of wine. And you're reflecting. You're feeling like, okay, those are the things that happened. Those are the things that I would do differently. And that starts to feed the vision of the rest of the year.

Chi Quita Mack [00:04:20]:

Jordana [00:04:21]:
So there is this sort of paradox or this push and pull, I think, specifically within women that we feel like maybe energetically, we want to rest and reflect and process the things that we learned in that space of rest where we're in the present. And that's where processing and integration actually happens. Where all those challenges and all of those missteps, which they're really always looking back, you're like, gosh, I did learn a lot. So all of those things to integrate those learnings, it happens in the present, and that's when you're really resting. Anyway, what I was saying with that push and pull that women are experiencing and the two poles that we're holding is like, gosh, I maybe want to rest. I want to reflect. I need a rest after the holidays, especially moms hosting holidays, being the best mom possible, with all the cooking and the shopping and the decorating, putting on your best face for everyone, all of your energy is going outward. And then the new year starts, and you got to get the kids back to school, and you yourself are probably going back to work.

Jordana [00:05:38]:
XYz and we never get that time to sit, reflect, integrate, process. Meanwhile, we're feeling that energy maybe of like, this is my year, or this feels like a really potent time. Things are going to happen. I should be doing so. Yeah, it's like being able to become aware of those things. It's all awareness where we decide we're in the driver's seat and we can make decisions on, well, what's best for me. Now, I know I want to accomplish this or I know I want to support my family in this, the best way to do that. And that's really actually refueling, reaffirming, reclaiming yourself.

Chi Quita Mack [00:06:25]:
Yeah. And I think that all of that is definitely happening over here. All of that. But one thing that hits me in my reflection, because I do a lot of reflection throughout the year, it's very soothing for me to sit and reflect and look at where I'm at and where I'm going. But in this last few months of reflecting, I decided that I'm going to slow down. I decided that I've been going really hard for the past two and a half years and I'm going to slow down and I'm going to say yes to the things that make sense and I'm going to work, they say work smarter, not harder. But that's where I'm at. And since I'm slowing down, I feel like more has come to me since I have decided to slow down than when I was hard charging.

Chi Quita Mack [00:07:20]:
And the things that are coming to me are the things I wish, like, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that, I'm going to do this. It's happening. It doesn't feel overwhelming and I have just a little bit more control and slowing down. So it's just crazy how we feel. Like we got to hurry up, we.

Jordana [00:07:37]:
Got to hurry up.

Chi Quita Mack [00:07:38]:
We got to hurry up.

Jordana [00:07:38]:
We got to hurry up.

Chi Quita Mack [00:07:39]:
And then you take the second to pause and slow down. It's like, you know what? This is not half bad. So it actually brings me to talk about your rediscovery journey because I do know at some point you took a pause and started to do some reflection and then begin to start over. So tell me a little bit about that.

Jordana [00:07:57]:
Yeah, absolutely. And I love everything you said because we had a touch base call, which is so amazing that to find a friend, find other women that you can just be real with. Touch base. Women who have businesses are always on, mommies that are always on and want to show in their Instagram and Facebook that look at my life. And in the truth of it, it's like, you know what? I think I need to take a step back. And so it was such a blessing that you and I could have our touch base call. And I'm like, you know what, girl? I thought I was going to take a two week sabbatical or pause on social media, and it ended up being a few months. It was wild and everything.

Jordana [00:08:48]:
It was so necessary. And it's interesting what you said where slowing down, which is exactly what I needed to do, is just slow down and take a step back to see the big picture. It was almost like energetically getting up on top of the hill, grounding myself down on top of the hill and taking a look around right at the expanse and seeing that higher perspective instead of just keep going, testing, booking XYZ and getting that wider perspective and then feeling in my body what felt right. And in the process, things do come to you. But one of the biggest challenges for me, and this has always been throughout my life, and I still sort of experience now, but know how to kind of move through it, is being comfortable in that stillness, being comfortable in that slowness. And to your point, feeling like you are in control because you're still in control when you surrender. That is the paradox. That is that interesting paradox, that you are so confident and embodied in your value, in your worthiness as a queen, as a creatrix, as someone whose birthright it is to be deserving and worthy of all the things you can ever imagine and want, that you can slow down and surrender.

Jordana [00:10:21]:
And that is, in a sense, releasing control. But you feel completely in control. So for me, years ago, particularly when I was still full on in my corporate career, that was very uncomfortable. And, you know, the truth is sometimes it may, even if you're so expanded and so empowered and so embodied, it may still feel uncomfortable. And that's okay. Where we want to get to is feeling comfortable in the discomfort. And we've heard that all before. It's getting used to releasing that gripping control that I would say modern day women, moms, career women who I work with, we have to have so much control because there's so much available to us.

Jordana [00:11:17]:
In the past, women, our mothers, our grandmothers, our great grandmothers, for sure, never had this level of access and freedom like we had. And so that first wave, we're like, we are getting into the system. We are getting jobs. We don't need anyone to rely on. We're climbing the corporate ladder. Everything is on our terms in this current system. And so you do the whole path of maybe you go to college and you study really hard in college, and maybe it's an advanced degree, XYZ corporate career. I'm speaking about sort of a typical path, my own personal path, and of the women that I work with that are typically full time professionals.

Jordana [00:12:02]:
And a lot of it is very controlled. Think my vision is based on this very. From the ego, in a sense, and the masculine. And you want freedom, you want financial freedom, you want a good parent paying job, you want the nice home XYZ. But a lot of us find ourselves kind of stuck on a hamster wheel. And I'll speak to my clients where they have great jobs, but they're full on. They're full time. They're full on.

Jordana [00:12:36]:
They're also moms. And they have to manage a team at home and then manage a team at work and then manage the team at home. And if you don't have everything scheduled to a t, plus showing up and being super available to whatever your boss wants and being super available to whatever your kids needs, saying, actually, I'm about to burn out. That's when you take a pause. But if you can take a pause, then fine. That's when you need to take a pause, because there's nothing left of you. You're just sick on the couch or something like that, or experiencing different disease, headaches or missed periods or painful periods or so on and so forth. So when we actually do soften into a resting state, a softening state, a surrender state, a taking a pause state that's two weeks or a couple of months, unwinding a couple of different obligations that you can unwind, saying, no, creating boundaries, fierceness in your boundary creation, it feels strange.

Jordana [00:13:41]:
You're like, I have lost control here, baby. And it's like, don't worry. When you reconnect to your connection to the divine, which you are a reflection of the divine, you are a piece of the divine, whatever the divine means to you. Source, God, goddess, earth, you know, mother Earth, whatever it is. We are of the earth and connected to the universal, like energy that is holy and that is divine. When you can reclaim that connection to your divinity, that's when you know that you are held and can flow with the discomfort. Can mother the discomfort can mother yourself. The capacity to mother yourself and softening and opening to be able to receive.

Jordana [00:14:36]:
And then know when that inspired action comes, you can. Okay, that's what I need to do.

Chi Quita Mack [00:14:45]:
It all goes full circle. It's so weird.

Jordana [00:14:48]:
Like, you're right.

Chi Quita Mack [00:14:49]:
The discomfort, like, it's absolutely uncomfortable, but it kind of goes full circle. Like, I needed that. There's no growth in being comfortable. You only grow when you're uncomfortable. And so really leaning into that, it's like, this is really uncomfortable, but it's really necessary. Oh, my God, what do I do?

Jordana [00:15:11]:
Oh, yes, girl.

Chi Quita Mack [00:15:12]:
Yeah, it's definitely just one of those things. And as women having control, it's like I speak for myself, in my experience, having control, wanting that to control every aspect of, I guess, your life, I should say. It is hard when you decide, like, I'm going to take a step back and just let things happen. Because in my rediscovery journey, like, eight years ago, when I was really getting into it, I wanted to control because I felt like everything in my life was kind of out of control, that I wanted to control every single aspect of it, even the stuff I knew I could not control. I wanted control. I wanted it. And in doing that, I was exhausted. I was so tired.

Chi Quita Mack [00:16:01]:
I was always stressed because I was trying to control every part. Like, no, I'm going to gain control somehow. And this is how I have to do it. So being able to be in this moment where I'm like, I can relax, I can slow down, I can let go, and then the right things are hitting me is like, wow, that's some deep reflection right there. That's the point to where I want all women to get to in their healing journey, where they can be like, wow, eight years ago I was here, and now I'm here. This is great.

Jordana [00:16:33]:
I love that I can feel and see that sense of how that has really landed in you and how that reflection created such an opening, but also a grounding, too. It's developing a resiliency, when I work with women, to recognize the good girl programming, as I call it, or you may even hear it, the good girl programming, even though you're like, I am a woman with four kids. I have a job. I've got a bank account. What good girl are you talking about? But it's the good girl who says yes to things that she knows that she shouldn't be saying yes to. Deeply within, even if maybe consciously, but deep within that, you're like, oh, yeah, I'll take that on. I'll take that on at work. I'll take that on at home.

Jordana [00:17:26]:
Making decisions with her money, with her time, with her energy that are loose boundaries crashing on the couch after the end of a, you know, using Instagram and food and Netflix to kind of self medicate and listen, I'm speaking from experience here. Know a New York and San Francisco corporate executive of like, at the end of the day, it's like, give me my know what's on the screen and that screen and this screen, and look at what they're doing. And I'm doing, oh, I'm doing well. And yeah, it's feeling. Building a sense of resiliency. So once, if you can take that pause, soften into a pause with things like journaling, with the beauty in you workbook.

Chi Quita Mack [00:18:22]:

Jordana [00:18:23]:
That is a powerful, powerful tool. And it's just such a blessing you brought that into the world. Things like that you can birth into the world that just has such a ripple effect. Yeah. It's reclaiming that queen who can be resilient in saying, no, actually, I need to slow down. No, I need to take a pause. And knowing that she deserves support. So I call it the I can do it all by myself mentality, which was absolutely me.

Jordana [00:18:56]:
I got it all by myself. I'm smart. I have so much tenacity, I can do it all by myself. And what we're missing is that our ancestors did everything in community. Everything in community, particularly mothers families were raised. Children were raised in community. And then as the children get older, they're teenagers, they are supported as they transition through their rites of passage into menstruation and onto entering maiden and womanhood. All in community and in our modern society, even though we do have some friends, we have our friends, our girlfriends.

Jordana [00:19:39]:
I have a great group of girlfriends that I've known since middle school and high school, all through college. We now live in all different places. And we have a WhatsApp group, and we stay in touch in WhatsApp. But there's deeper community that needs to be created and groups like yourself. I'm opening up women's circles online and in person. So both anyone in my area in Orlando, and then anyone around the world can enter this kind of sacred space to kind of let it all. To release the masks, to release the shields and the gripping, because you're trying to have it all together and have it in control, and it gives that space for the presence. So if women are thinking, well, I don't have time to take a pause, I mean, I have to work and then I have to tend to my kids.

Jordana [00:20:32]:
How about a 90 minutes, a two hour women's circle, whether it's online or some Sunday in your local area where you can come forward and say, you know what? There is something that happened last year that I'm ready to let go of, and I just need to name it. Or you just have that space to process in the present. And the truth is that the healing happens. The healing happens within with things like taking time with your journaling book and taking time in community with women that your body, your soul, your spirit, and the support all around it will happen in the present. It's when you're crying when you are crying, that is healing. When you actually express that anger, that is healing. When you can hold space and just listen to another sister, and in listening, you actually see a reflection of yourself that is healing. So it's coming into community in some form and recognizing that, yes, you are a queen, you are strong, but not because of how much you carry.

Jordana [00:21:55]:
You have an inner strength. It comes from your womb, it comes from within. And you have the strength to say, I need my sisters. I need to take a pause, so on and so forth. Yeah, kind of went on a tangent there. I get so passionate.

Chi Quita Mack [00:22:13]:
No, you're fine. I think that you're absolutely right when it comes to community and healing and realizing you do need that support. I have a small group of sisters. I call them my sisters. Same thing. We're all over the US right now, but I know I can pick up the phone and call them whenever I need them, knowing I have that support system. When I was on my healing journey, and I'm always on the healing journey, but in the beginning, it was very important that I had that community, that I reached out to them because I realized I couldn't do it on my own. So just realizing I need community, I need those that care about me, and I'm going to show some type of resilience in going through this, I think is very important.

Chi Quita Mack [00:23:00]:
But what I wanted to talk about is your journey. You were in corporate America, killing the game, doing a dang thing, and you transitioned over, you realized like, hey, this ain't it. Walk me through that moment when you realized you wanted to leave corporate and get to where you are now.

Jordana [00:23:26]:
Yeah. Looking back, it's such a series of moments and realizations. I was so excited. I created, I manifested this really incredible career on the business side of film, working for film studios, major films, Oscar films, and then also moved into a place that became more aligned with myself, which was independent and documentaries, still winning awards and that sort of thing. And I think it just became a series of moments as I started to get older, when I was right out of college and a little bit after college, I was like, one day I'm going to be just like my boss's boss, who was a woman, is a woman, the head of a digital group, of all the streaming partners and everything, and she is just like a bunch of people below her. I'm like, that is gangster. That's going to be me. And then years later, I was just like, man, I don't think I want that.

Jordana [00:24:32]:
I don't think I want that life, but it's a dark night of the soul because you're just like, but then what do I want? If it's not that, then what the heck is it? A few things was that I wasn't a mom yet, but I was just like, man, I can't imagine working 50 hours, 60 hours a week and having a newborn, a toddler child, and then even at any stage of my child's life, having to juggle both because that just seemed nutty to me. Not nutty, but it just seemed exhausted. My body was rejecting it. I would see it. I would do it. I didn't have a child then, but I would do those 50, 60 hours weeks traveling all over the place, but on the plane, answering emails at whatever time, and I'm like, gosh, this is so gangster. Look what I did. Look what I created.

Jordana [00:25:31]:
I did it. But really, body was just like, can I get a tea? Are you sure? And like I was alluding to earlier, I would self medicate with food, exercising like crazy, eat a lot of food, and then exercise like crazy. Yeah. So I just realized, man, I don't want that life. Also, at that point, there was not a thing called Covid. So everything was always in the office. And I thought, wow, for the next 40, 50 years, I'm just going to be in an office the rest of my life. And I loved to travel.

Jordana [00:26:08]:
Anytime I could get, I would travel around the world, and I'm like, I just don't want to do a week here, a week there. I want to live somewhere. I want to live immerse in the culture. And my job is an office job. How could I ever do that? So grappling with so many of these things that seemed out of alignment with my heart and my body, but intellectually was not clicking. I'm like, well, then what could I do? I knew that I wanted to be. I loved speaking about spirituality. I also got a yoga teacher training and Reiki attunement.

Jordana [00:26:48]:
And I would do it on the weekends a little bit and a little bit after work for fun. But I'm like, I want to go deeper. But how? And the interesting thing is, it wasn't really like, how can I do this? How can I do this? Going deeper. Once I reflect back, and looking back, it was really a wound of feeling unsafe. I do not compute if I do not have a corporation holding me, how I don't feel safe financially, I don't feel safe about, is that weird? Is it strange that I was thinking some sort of yogi or spiritually empowerment coach. I'm like, is that strange? Will my friends understand? So really deep down, it was a worthiness wound and a safety wound based on past programming that I had to sort of walk the path of addressing, becoming aware of it and processing it. And then there's also mother wounds and father wounds and just different things that helped to shape that current identity, that current mask of what I was wearing that was behind the blueprint of, like, I am divine, I am queen, I am ultimate creatrix like feeling and knowing in my bones that I can create and do what it is. And I deserve a life of what lifestyle that I want, that if I want to work 20 hours a week, then I can.

Jordana [00:28:37]:
If I want to travel and this and that, if I want to empower women spiritually or energetically or so on and so forth, I can. And I'm always a success. I'm always abundant. I know I'm connected to the divine. And then I also know that I deserve and want and will receive physical support, support in the way of other women, of collaborators, of community, of teachers and wisdom keepers who can empower me even further so I can show up better as a facilitator and a coach. So, yeah, that journey was interesting. Where to sum it up, it came to a point where I was, like, during COVID I had the ability to travel, but I went to Europe and lived in Europe and worked in Europe and did a lot of walking.

Chi Quita Mack [00:29:38]:
Oh, yeah, you walk a lot over.

Jordana [00:29:39]:
There, did a lot of walking and a lot of processing. And, yeah, it's a rebirth. We're always going through these little deaths and rebirths, and that was a major death. And, like, a year and a half ago was a rebirth. And then when you and I touched base about a month or two ago, there was a rebirth there where I had stepped away from social media for a while to integrate everything I had done that previous two years and kind of rebirthing now, ready to step into the world as this new woman.

Chi Quita Mack [00:30:21]:
Beautiful. I'm absolutely proud of you because you took a chance on yourself. And not only that, you did the work. So not only did you decide, like, wow, the next 40, 50 years, this ain't it. This ain't going to work for me. But then you also were like, okay, what am I feeling? All right, where does this come from? Okay, it comes from past. That's hard. When we start our rediscovery journey, it sounds all cool, like, wow, I'm on this rediscovery journey and I'm going to heal.

Chi Quita Mack [00:30:57]:
But when you start the work, it's difficult because you start uncovering things that you thought that you did heal or that no longer you thought it no longer affected you. But then you realize you're charging so hard because of that very thing. So it's such an eye opener when you start your rediscovery journey and the fact that you realize this is not what you want. You faced your fears and then you did the damn thing. And even as you're going and you're continuously following your heart, you're listening to your body, your soul, your mind, you're continuously learning and rediscovering yourself. And that's powerful because a lot of people would and often do as I see as well, is we'll start and it's not going the way we want it to go. And we get really freaked out and we just revert back because it's comfortable back there. And we already kind of know what to expect, even though it's not what we really want, but we already kind of know.

Chi Quita Mack [00:31:59]:
So to continue to push forward is amazing. So throughout your whole journey, and as you continue on your journey, continue to do that which you will, because that's what you teach us to do. But give yourself grace and just know that it's a part of the process. Like, everything that you're doing is absolutely a part of the process. And it is a circle. Our rediscovery journey is a straight, like, it's circle. We're always learning. We're always healing.

Chi Quita Mack [00:32:26]:
We're always discovering and rediscovering and pulling back and taking a moment and reflecting and keep. It's a circle. It's a continuous circle. And as long as you're working on yourself and you're understanding kind of what's happening, you have no choice but to be successful. I mean, that's the name of your game. You've been successful in everything that you've done. And so it's no reason why now when you pause to rediscover and go back out there, you wouldn't continue to be successful.

Jordana [00:32:53]:
Thank you. Wow. I received that. And it's so important to be in our receivership, right where we think we reach a certain level. It's like verbal sort of confirmation or reflection is still so powerful. It feeds the soul. So I openly receive it. When we talked, you reflected something back to me, and I'm like, thank you, girl.

Jordana [00:33:18]:
I needed to hear that. I can journal all I want and affirmations and embodiment and to hear another soul say back to me, don't worry, you're doing well. Is like, yes, thank you. I needed to hear that. And there's no like, yeah, girl. I know, girl. Not to just deflect that and let it come into you. Let it hit the parts that are still the little girl inside that's still like, I'm tired, I'm worried, I'm scared.

Jordana [00:33:50]:
I should be doing better. I just want to Xyz let it hit those parts. And you truly receive that. You had said. Something that really struck me was, so I work with women to release the hustle. Usually it's career women, professional women, but I get all walks of life to release the hustle because we're all hustling. We were kind of raised that way. A lot of us are in this western world and realigned to their feminine power, realign to balance and flow and magnetism.

Jordana [00:34:32]:
And what that means is when I was still really deep, I was living in San Francisco and really deep in my corporate career, and like I said, I was Reiki attuned and had all these different skill sets that really lit up my heart. I'm like, I'm going to start a Reiki business. And I started it. It was know I had this cool loft apartment, and that was my studio, and I was getting clients and I doing work and that sort of thing. But there was a part of me that was like, this is not happening fast enough. This is not replacing my six figure salary in the first two months. But honestly, I was like, this is not happening fast enough. And I would do more to try and generate more business.

Jordana [00:35:17]:
And I just got burnt out and was just like, it's not working, and I don't know how to do this. And so coming back around, like you mentioned, the spiral, the circle, we just come back to it saying, okay, I'm really going to start a business. I'm really going to make this happen. Something that serves my heart and doing so I serve the world. And when you rub up that I was rubbing up against, again, that thing, this is not happening fast enough. Why am I not making seven figures in the first six months? And it's reconnecting to our feminine, because that mentality is our wounded masculine, the wounded masculine, the masculine energy which we need both to be balanced, healed, sacred, and supporting one another. Masculine energy of doing and action, taking, that sort of thing. That's excellent.

Jordana [00:36:15]:
We need that, right? The feminine energy of being and allowing and being in the flow. We need that. So when things are not happening fast, enough. If any of your listeners have experienced that, I'm speaking for myself and myself five years ago, who needed to hear this? When you reclaim that feminine and her queenhood, her, that inner empress within you, she is here in the present, and she enjoys and allows and sees the beauty and ecstasy and pleasure in the unfolding of things, right? So when she can create something and she doesn't just manifest a mug, right? I need this mug, and I need it now. She gets her hands in the clay and she makes it, and she enjoys the shaping of it. Is it going to have this type of thing and what design? And then we need to add heat and maybe I might change it. Maybe I might make a collection. Every moment along the way, she is fully embodied and in the pleasure of the unfolding of what is to be this creation of a mug, because you did manifest it.

Jordana [00:37:34]:
You said, I'm going to create this. You did take the action, but the feminine, and the action is supporting the feminine as she is creating this. So I just wanted to make mention of that again, going back to that slowness and being uncomfortable in the slowness and the discomfort in the slowness sometimes, which we'll experience. We're modern women. We get it. We get on Instagram, we see our friends, they're popping off, and we're just like. But it's like, wait a second. I got my thing going on.

Jordana [00:38:12]:
And the resilience and actually the pleasure of each moment. And I teach a lot of my women in pleasure practices and softening practices. So they actually feel that power. It's so powerful. You're like, I am invincible. When you've literally finished a pleasure ritual or a presence ritual, you're like, I got it going on, baby. And you walk down the street, you walk into Starbucks, you walk into Publix is the supermarket we have in Florida. And you're literally the woman that people are looking at because she's just wearing her sweats, too.

Jordana [00:38:55]:
She's emanating her radiance, emanating her empress. She knows. It's all gravy, baby. It's all good. It was a good day today.

Chi Quita Mack [00:39:06]:
I love it. I love every single part of it. I do have a question. So when we talk about masculine energy and feminine energy and creating that balance, how do you create that balance? I feel like I struggle, but I can't identify each one. But how do you create that balance?

Jordana [00:39:29]:
Yeah, it's the interesting paradox of women. I would say all humans, but I would say specifically women or people with wombs that we hold paradoxes in our body, again, reflecting back on how the earth is a mirror of us. Mother Earth is a mirror of the woman, right? Mother Earth has a northern hemisphere, a southern hemisphere. Just as when it's winter in one area, it's summer in another area, and she's still existing and she's still providing and she's still being, and she's still just creating naturally. And things are dying in their winter, and then things are blooming and in their spring and in their summer and harvesting, so on and so forth. We are just like that. We hold two poles. We hold multiple paradoxes.

Jordana [00:40:34]:
Energetically. There's that feminine energy, the yin energy, and the masculine energy, the yang energy, and so much more. You could be happy and sad, right? And being able to have the resilience and being able to hold that frequency of, like, you know what? There's a sadness in my heart. There's a sadness there, but also it's a good day. And not just like I'm thinking positive, let me just say this affirmation. It's a good day, but you're really embodying and knowing that I welcome that bit of sadness. And maybe a tear comes, or maybe you tell someone or you journal about it and you also say, and it's beautiful, and I love myself. And you give yourself a hug and give yourself whatever you need, that hug, that cup of cacao, a massage, whatever, a nap.

Jordana [00:41:37]:
So I went on a tyrant. But to be able to balance that, it really is, I would say, getting in touch with both of those energies and the wounds of those energies, any sort of programming around them. And that first, how I work with my clients and the women in my circles is exploring, doing a little bit of exploration with their relationship to their mother and father and or the male or female that raised them, including teachers or whatever, and getting kind of to the bottom of that and uncovering where you get certain beliefs, identities, and programming around money, around relationships. Rest. I'm doing a whole workshop around rest. And how was that modeled in your family? Maybe they couldn't because they just needed to. Anyway, more on that later. So getting to that root cause of these certain belief systems that are creating these unconscious actions and the way that you see your reality now, if it's not your dream life, then you created it.

Jordana [00:42:51]:
You done did it. I done did it when I did it. And now I'm going to done did something else now that I have. So that balance is knowing that just as you need to do the things, you need to take action and so on and so forth. It's having the masculine serve the feminine, too. So when you reclaim that feminine, that's why I do this work, is really getting women back in touch with the sacredness of their feminine and knowing, just like you need to brush your teeth at night, you typically don't skip a night of brushing your teeth. You typically need to shower and what have you, you build in these sacred mini moments, these rituals, these ceremonies, and actually building also alignment around your menstruation, your bleed, building your not just lifestyle, but work sort of work life balance around your menstruation and bleed. And if you are no longer bleeding, if you've reached that phase where you're no longer bleeding or you have irregular periods, it's using the moon phases of the moon to guide how you schedule your productivity, your actions, and your rest.

Jordana [00:44:15]:
All are necessary, all are important. But the interesting thing is that when we actually integrate more of that rest, that being that flow, we do get more done more efficiently, more creatively, more expansively, more with more pleasure. So, building in those small practices. But I would say the North Star is around a woman's bleed, and I can go into that quickly if we want.

Chi Quita Mack [00:44:45]:
Yes, please. Because that was actually, my next question is to kind of talk me through the menstrual. How important is that? Because I just recently started paying attention to that in my energy level, and I had no idea what I was doing. So can you professionally walk me through, because. Explain to the listeners what it is?

Jordana [00:45:06]:
Yeah, absolutely. You had mentioned how important is it we get our period, and it's like, welcome to the club, who cares, right? That sort of thing. And we hide it, and it's just this thing that occurs that we hide and we push through or we don't get it, or it's painful. And I'll make these assumptions. These are assumptions that I hear in circle, and these are things that I experience personally. Sometimes it sucks, right? So it's reclaiming the period. And your bleed is a woman's. North Star is a woman's sacred gateway and reflection of her wisdom, of her divinity.

Jordana [00:45:57]:
It couldn't be more. It's like to look at your health. People look at the levels in their blood and whatever their xYz. This is an indicator of your health. Every month, you get a report card of how much you're sleeping, how much you're eating, how much stress you're taking on, how much your emotion and energy you're holding. All in your blood. All in your blood. So when you take that tampon or pad or whatever and just throw it away.

Jordana [00:46:28]:
It's actually just throwing away your monthly health checkup on a sort of physical level, on a wellness level. So there's that. But your period and the phases of the period are like seasons, okay? It's an energetic and a science based model. It's not just woo woo, right? We're not just talking woo woo. This is all proven hormonally. What happens with your hormones when they're released, when they're not released, and how your body reacts to it. So your period is like seasons. You have spring, summer, fall, and winter.

Jordana [00:47:16]:
A lot of times, people count the first day of their menstruation cycle, the first day of their period. I like to look at that last day of your period when you officially stop bleeding. That is like phase one.

Chi Quita Mack [00:47:36]:

Jordana [00:47:36]:
Scientifically, it's called your follicular phase. I know it sounds really sort of like science. Follicular phase. That's why I like to use terms like, this is your inner spring, so that's easier to remember what just happened the last day. You had just completed menstruation. You just completed a bleed. That was winter. What comes after winter is spring.

Jordana [00:48:04]:
What is happening in your body is that they are sending all sorts of hormones and rebuilding your lining and doing all sorts of wonderful things in your body. So you start to kind of emerge from the cave of your period, right? You're like, is this brain? You start to feel a little bit more energized, right? And that's when your estrogen level. Estrogen is the female sex hormone starts to raise. Okay? So as that starts to raise, this hormone is like the social hormone. This is where women have even more energy. We can start to give more outward. We want to be more outward. We want to check up with people on the phone and socialize.

Jordana [00:48:53]:
So as soon as your bleed ends and you're in your inner spring, that lasts for, like, ten to 14 days, you are ready to maybe start cleaning the house, checking up on girlfriends, maybe meeting up, checking up on having conversations, these sort of things. Because you're starting to build estrogen and you're feeling great. Your estrogen hits a peak when you are ovulating. That is peak estrogen. So we call that your inner summer. You are on fire. Right? You can give presentations if you're single, you can date, you can flirt. Because what is happening hormonally in our body, scientifically, in our body, that hormone is like, I'm ready for a mate, right? So body, whether or not we want it, but that is what's happening.

Jordana [00:49:44]:
Body wants to pump you with hormones that make you very social, that makes you very like, oh, you want to be flirty, you want to be sexy. You're feeling yourself. You're like, dang, I look good today. You're ovulating. That's ovulation. Ovulation is so important whether or not you want to get pregnant. And I can just go into that even more. I'm going to do a three day online retreat on just period.

Jordana [00:50:11]:
So just to kind of move things along your inner summer, that is when you are giving presentations, that's when you're hosting workshops, you're hosting retreats. You can give so much of yourself. That's when things. Maybe something might bother you. Usually you just let it go. The husband or the friend or the teacher says something to you. You're like, it's all good, baby, because you're just so happy, right? Once ovulation is done, we start to move into luteal. What did I say? Yeah, luteal.

Jordana [00:50:46]:
Luteal is your fall. So ovulation could last like four to seven days again. That's why it's so important to track. And I have all of this in a free guide. I have all of this in a free guide that's offered. You just click on my instagram.

Chi Quita Mack [00:51:00]:

Jordana [00:51:01]:
Get that guide and get a guide. Your fall, that's when you, as you can imagine, start to go inward, right? Starts to get a little cooler. During an actual fall, you want to put your sweater on. That's when the hormones, your estrogen starts dropping and progesterone starts writhing so hormonally. And that's reflected outward in your energy, your energy level starts to turn down. So when we're tracking that and if we've scheduled our month around that, that's when we can say, if you can help it, I'm not going to do that playdate there. I'm not going to do that interview there. I'm not going to do that.

Jordana [00:51:43]:
If you can move things around, or I'm only going to do two meetings there because you're going to start to move a little bit more inward. Ideally, that's when you want to journal because the veil starts to thin a little bit. That's when you might want to do some planning or writing. If you want to write a blog post or a vulnerable post, you're kind of getting a little bit more in touch with your feelings. So you can really journal, write beautiful sort of poetry or blog posts or vulnerability because things are going in and you're bringing your attention not to the outside, but to yourself. And that's what I talk about, where. That's the balance, where we want you to give moms and women. Give, give, give.

Jordana [00:52:31]:
You are the light of the world. But at this time, it starts to wind down. So you can go in, start processing what happened the first half of the month, journaling, realizing these sort of things. And then eventually it's menstruation, your inner winter. And you know, when you're menstruation, it's your first day of your bleed. And inner winter is just that. That is like very slow. You've actually released.

Jordana [00:53:00]:
So sometimes it feels really good to finally get your period after that luteal phase where you're just like, you're foggy, you don't want to think in luteal. You can't really be. You're just like, all right, so what am I doing? You're foggy. What did I say? What did you say? Your husband or your partner wants to talk to you. You're just like, not right now. You don't have that estrogen energy. That's like, yeah, baby, tell me everything or you got it going on. You're just like, I can't even think right now.

Jordana [00:53:34]:
That's okay. It's all natural. And it's like empowering women to welcome that, to realize that's a natural phase during this time. It's for you. It's not for anyone else. So if you can just say, hey, I'm about to start my period or whatever, can we shelve this for next week? You welcome it. You love yourself in it. You don't feel bad.

Jordana [00:53:59]:
You don't hate yourself. You don't hate your period. You embrace it. Because there are other ways to optimize during this time. And that's optimizing and filling your cup. So your next spring and summer are just as that much more energy filled and that much more giving. So, yeah, that menstruation phase is resting so important. Body is bleeding and shedding and letting go so much.

Jordana [00:54:25]:
She's doing that naturally. So if you just need to lay down and rest, if you can schedule an out of office those 1st 2123 days, do it. Clear your meetings, have mom or someone come and get the kids, this sort of thing. Because you are worthy of support. You do that. And that's how you build your life around that basic structure of feminine, masculine. It's filling your cup there. So then you're just like, out the gate because you have so many creative ideas.

Jordana [00:55:00]:
You really dug in deep with yourself. You processed a lot of the emotions and the releasing of the last month or the last year, and now you're ready for spring and summer fully in a fully filled tank.

Chi Quita Mack [00:55:13]:
Amazing. All of that is what I just started doing this, had my period for years. I just started paying attention. And now I understand a little bit better. But like, okay, my energy is high, my energy is low. I need to take time. I feel it's coming. Like tracking.

Chi Quita Mack [00:55:33]:
I used to track in my younger days and I kind of stopped tracking after a while. And then you're like, okay, something's off. And just really paying attention to my cycle and how my cycle affects my productivity and how it moves the family along, even my mood. Like you said, don't talk to me right now. No. I've been able to say no, I feel it coming. Or I'm extremely exhausted during this week. The first two days really paying attention instead of just pushing through.

Chi Quita Mack [00:56:05]:
Like, no, I need to lay down. I can't do any. The first two days I'm down. But that's okay. And it just blows my mind because I'm like, I should have been doing this. Because it's so important as a woman to really pay attention to your menstrual cycle and your energy levels, it makes sense. And to push through those days where we're just really exhausted to be on it seems foolish now.

Jordana [00:56:41]:
You know what? I hear that a lot in a lot of the circles that I'm in. That's why I want to offer multiple retreats. Because women in their thirty s, forty s, even if you're past bleeding, are like, I am just learning this. And that's why me and other women are offering this. We get it. Don't feel bad. That's why we are here. And then we can empower our daughters and sons.

Jordana [00:57:11]:
So it's just normalized. They know, oh, okay. You're in your inner spring. Cool. You're in your inner fall. I get it. Cool. I got the kids, I got the whatever.

Jordana [00:57:20]:
I can help you out. A lot of it also has to do with, what are you eating? Are you eating enough? Are you eating that nutrient dense foods? Are you eating foods that are easily digestible or foods that are taking energy away from you when really energy needs to be put into building your blood and building your cervix and rebuilding everything. So it's like diet, sleep, are you sleeping eight to 10 hours a day? What type of sleep? And so all of that is kind of told through your blood and your bleed and your pain and then any other things, like if there's infertility or if you're not ovulating, if you're pushing through things and your stress level is high, the estrogen and the progesterone does not release the egg, so you don't ovulate. And then they start to pull from your adrenals. And then instead of releasing estrogen, it's releasing cortisol. So you're getting the stress hormone. And what happens when we have the stress hormone is we get the belly fat, we get anxiety, we get stressed out. So that's how important.

Jordana [00:58:31]:
When you come back to living in alignment with your period, whether or not you want to get pregnant, that's kind of like secondary to a certain extent, depending on where you are in your life, it's like just healthy wellness, well being and energy level is so tied to you being connected to and honoring and acting, taking practical action and energetic action in alignment with your bleed, it all makes sense.

Chi Quita Mack [00:59:05]:
Like, duh, right? Duh. It really does. And like I said, even with diet, when you said that, I was like, I'm so ashamed. I just eat everything. Until recently, I started to change my diet once. My menstrual was just when I started focusing on that. Then I'm like, oh, let me focus on my diet, which is like, duh, after. But I did it as a household because I can't be struggling by myself.

Chi Quita Mack [00:59:36]:
So everybody's doing it. Everybody's struggling right now.

Jordana [00:59:39]:
Everybody's having cooked food and the same thing when it comes to food and drink. It's like if you're going to eat sugary foods and processed food and drink alcohol, kind of the best time to do it is when you're in spring and summer, right after your period, and when you're ovulating, because the body is just like sending hormones and energy. So it's better for you, easier for you to digest those processed foods rather than when you're in fall and winter, it's harder to digest processed foods. And so you get the bloat, you get the extreme fatigue, and it just knocks you on your you know what?

Chi Quita Mack [01:00:25]:
Yeah, I know.

Jordana [01:00:28]:
So like I said in a guide, I have this fabulous connecting to your true self guide. It's completely free. You take a quick quiz and then it's delivered to your inbox. It's like 20 pages. We go into a little bit about those phases and the sort of fast facts. This is what you do. This is what you feel. This is approximately how many days there are journaling questions and reflections and it's a good sort of first step in.

Jordana [01:00:56]:
And then if you wanted to stay, you would be on my email list. And then when I start holding online retreats around sort of healing the womb healing sort of period, menstruation healing to relieve pain, healing for infertility. Infertility. And one that is going to be really juicy is healing from loss, which would be a miscarriage or abortion and all of that. Those stored energies, ancestral lineage, our own sort of like past, even from when we were little, we babies, women, hold it in our wombs and in our hips and then wonder why we have super painful periods, why they're irregular or stopped. And it's in these circles that we can start to drop in and unbind from them and release them and process them, including those sort of really touchy subjects that we like to brush under. Oh, I had a miscarriage and it's.

Chi Quita Mack [01:01:54]:
Like, let's talk about it.

Jordana [01:01:56]:
Well, let's talk about it. Do you want to talk about it?

Chi Quita Mack [01:01:59]:
Absolutely. You have shared so much wonderful information with everybody today and I am just so thankful for it. And I'm thankful to again, have you a part of my journey. I already told you before, you're stuck with me, so you kind of know that already. But I am very thankful. Can you tell everyone where they can sign up for the free guide and where they can find you on your socials and everything like that? Because, listen, you guys, you want to jump in here, she has a whole bunch of retreats coming up and you want to get on that email list. So that way you are notified immediately.

Jordana [01:02:40]:
Yes, we want to grow these communities. Women that are like, yes, let's join, be in community, support each other, share with one another, hold one another. So the best way to receive tips from me and the link to the guide is all connected to my Instagram, which is.

Chi Quita Mack [01:03:04]:

Jordana [01:03:05]:
Jordana underscore inner empress. So Jordan with an a at the end, like Michael Jordan underscore. That's how people remember. As soon as I say that, they're like, oh, yeah, Jordana. Now I get it. So Jordana underscore inner empress. And that's on Instagram. And that has the link to the quiz and the guide.

Jordana [01:03:27]:
I love the quiz starts to kind of ask these questions that are great reflection gateways for yourself. And then you get this rich guide to work through with journal prompts and information and practical everyday steps to start connecting to your feminine. And if you get the guide. You're immediately signed up for my newsletter. I don't spam. I actually hardly send a newsletter. I feel like that's one of the things I'm like, should I be sending more newsletters and on the list? And I almost keep it. Like, I want to just let people know when the big events are coming up.

Jordana [01:04:04]:
Not big events, but those circles are coming up and I just don't want to spam them. I want them to know when my monthly circles start and when the international retreat is. The details are finalized. So. Yeah. Jordana underscore inner Empress on Instagram. Yeah. And I look forward to connecting.

Jordana [01:04:26]:
If you do find me, just dm me and say, hey, I heard you on Quita. And just so I know you're part of the mom squad and you're part of this, I feel so lucky and honored to be in your was. It's the greatest. She is the greatest. All of her listeners and followers, if you're not more deeply in her orbit than this podcast, you want to be in it. She is just the ultimate sister and guide and reflector, and she'll tell you like it is. There's love there. There's definitely love there.

Jordana [01:04:56]:
But if you are, like, I want things to be different, she's like, okay, let's get to it. And then we'll get to it.

Chi Quita Mack [01:05:04]:
Thank you so much for that. And I'll make sure that I link everything in the show notes to make it easy so you guys could just click and get on that email list and be on your way. Again. Thank you so much, mama. I know this is not our last time.

Jordana [01:05:21]:
Connecting for the next one.

Chi Quita Mack [01:05:22]:
Yep. I can't wait for the next one. Hopefully when I am in Orlando this time I can see you.

Jordana [01:05:28]:
Maybe there's a retreat.

Chi Quita Mack [01:05:30]:
I don't know that I can make it down. Definitely. You know, keep me posted on all of that.

Jordana [01:05:37]:
I love you. Thank you for shining your you.

Chi Quita Mack [01:05:41]:
Thank you. Thank you. All right, you guys, I will talk to you soon. And until next time, thank you for.

Jacqueline G. [01:05:47]:
Joining us on this week's episode of the Beauty and Podcast. Don't forget to rate, review and subscribe. Visit or join us on instagram at thetaquitamac for your daily motivation and inspiration. Tell a friend to tell a friend. Until next time.