The Beauty in You: Podcast

Embrace Your Narrative: Unveiling the Power of Your Story with Chi Quita Mack

Chi Quita Mack, MSW Season 1 Episode 11

In this episode of The Beauty in You podcast, host Chi Quita Mack shares powerful insights and encouragement for the new year. She emphasizes the importance of being intentional with our actions and setting realistic goals. Chi Quita also opens up about her own fears and experiences, urging listeners to embrace their stories and not be afraid to share them. Her raw and authentic message is a reminder that this is our time to shine and be confident in who we are. Join us as we dive into the wisdom and passion of Chi Quita Mack, and remember to rate, review, and subscribe to The Beauty in You podcast.

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Jacqueline G. [00:00:01]:
Welcome to the Beauty and you podcast, a safe place created for all women to come, relax, get inspired, and be constantly reminded that they have not lost the ability to be who they once were. Join us as we dive into the true meaning of rediscovery through inspiring guests and topics such as healing, self love, and creating a positive mindset. So sit back, relax, and get comfortable as we dive into to this week's episode. Here's your host, Chi Quita Mack.

Chi Quita Mack [00:00:30]:
Hey, y'all, and welcome back to another episode of The Beauty in you podcast. I am so excited, you guys, because it is 2024. We made it to another year. Congratulations. Pat yourself on the back. You did that. Now, I know a lot of you are out here already setting these New Year's resolutions that you're only about to do for ten days. Don't be mad at the source.

Chi Quita Mack [00:00:54]:
I'm just saying. And you're out here making all these goals, which is great, but what I want you to do this year is to really be intentional about your actions. Seriously, be intentional. I want you to take the time to not just write down three things that you want to do. I want to lose ten pounds, or I want to start my own business, or I want to write my book. And then you're like, shoot, how do I do that? It was too overwhelming. Well, it's always 2025. You all, no, we're not doing that.

Chi Quita Mack [00:01:35]:
We're not doing that this year. This is your year. This is your time. And I'm not just saying that because it's 2024. Hear me out. You've been ready. Those things that you've always wanted to accomplish, that little voice in your head, you've been ready. The only thing that has been holding you back up until this point has been yourself, which is self doubt and that of fear.

Chi Quita Mack [00:02:11]:
And so I don't want you to get hung up on the fear. I don't want you to get hung up on the self doubt. You're more than ready, and you're more than capable. And the more I'm telling this to you guys, I'm also saying it to know these last few years with the Chiquita Mac have been great. And I keep pushing because I want more. I want more. I want more. I want more.

Chi Quita Mack [00:02:35]:
Now, I don't know what my cap is yet, because I'm still pushing. I'm just going hard, but I want more. And I really sat down and said, okay, you know what? I need to be a little bit more clear on what exactly do I want to happen for the brand? What do I want? What do exactly do I want for Chiquita this year, and what exactly do I want for my family? You know what I'm saying? And so I have these three little buckets, which is literally just three little circles on piece of paper that I wrote down, what I wanted in each one, and what I wanted to fulfill in each one. Then I went back and I'm like, all right, I need to be a little bit more strategic with my social media as far as accomplishing this goal here, family wise family will be doing. We need to be a little bit more strategic when it comes to your training schedule with the kids and their sports and what they're trying to accomplish. Me and hubby and date nights and trips and where we're trying to go, and it didn't necessarily make me feel like I was doing something wrong in previous years. I just feel like this is the year of that fine tuning. You know what I'm saying? We got it.

Chi Quita Mack [00:04:03]:
We got it. We get in there, but we just got to fine tune some things. We just got to put some stuff on paper and really go by what we have on paper. So your time is now. All the tools you need are there. If you don't think so, trust me. There's enough to get started. There's enough to get started, and there's enough resources out there, free resources too, that will help you build until you can ultimately get to where you're trying to go.

Chi Quita Mack [00:04:34]:
When I start thinking back on my own journey and just thinking about why was I so afraid to get started, like, being honest with myself, like, quita, why were you so afraid to start your passion, to put yourself out there, to be seen? What were you truly afraid of? Well, I had two things that kept circling in my head. First thing being failure. Those that know me well will be like, girl, you're a perfectionist. You all might be a little bit right about that, but I did not want to fail. I did not want to put myself out here and fail and look stupid. So what have I learned when it comes to failure? Listen, it is okay. It's okay. And you're not always going to get it right.

Chi Quita Mack [00:05:41]:
That's what I've learned. I learned to give myself grace, and I don't necessarily even look at them as failures. Everything that I do, whether it goes well or it doesn't go too well, I've learned a lesson from it, and I've been able to take that lesson and go back to the drawing board and redefine it and then try again. And that's the part that we get hung up on. We're like, I don't want to fail. I don't want to look stupid. If I fail, I'm just going to give up. You can't give up.

Chi Quita Mack [00:06:11]:
You just can't. What that failure did or what it did, it taught you a lesson. All right? You was almost there. What you did is one part a little wrong. Let's just tweak it right. Let's fine tune it. Let's try it again. A lot of things that we're doing when we're trying to accomplish a goal is a lot of fine tuning.

Chi Quita Mack [00:06:33]:
We're trying to figure it out. We're letting it go. We're learning, we're learning. We're learning. We're trying. Didn't work out. We're trying again. Didn't work out.

Chi Quita Mack [00:06:41]:
We're trying again. And so it's just really important that we just scratch that failure thing out your head like, y'all, you ain't going to get it on the first try, and you might get it on the first try. Don't get me wrong. There are some people that are just really good, and they go out there and boom. And they get it on the first try. But still remember that you must have consistency and a strategy to maintain. All right? The next thing that was circling was people going to talk about you. What? People going to have something to say.

Chi Quita Mack [00:07:15]:
Hi, little business, doing high, little book, doing high, little course, doing right. People are going to have something to say. Negative. What I found in that part is that no matter what you do, whether you're an entrepreneur or have a nine to five, it don't really matter what it is. People don't talk about you regardless, good, bad and ugly, and it's about how you respond to it. There's people that scroll my page. There's people that don't follow me, scroll my page, use my MUA, my makeup artist. Talk to her like we best friends.

Chi Quita Mack [00:08:02]:
See me in a hall and don't say hi. Just cool. People that will pretend they don't see your content. People that will pretend they don't really know what you're doing. People act like you don't have experience. Whether you do good or bad, people are going to talk about you, so you might as well do it anyway. At first, it used to bother me, and I'm human. It does still bother me sometimes, but for the most part, it does not.

Chi Quita Mack [00:08:29]:
Because I know what I'm doing is following my heart, following my passion, and listening to that little voice in my head that is telling me to keep going. People are going to talk regardless. So my advice to you is don't worry about what they say. Just get out there and just do it. And as long as you are true to yourself, as long as you know who you are inside and out, it doesn't really matter what they say. So as you're entering this New year with all this hope and all this inspiration, all this empowerment, all these good vibes, all this good energy, I want you to maintain that. I want you to maintain it. Don't keep it for ten days.

Chi Quita Mack [00:09:17]:
I want you to maintain. I want you to make realistic goals for yourself. That means looking at yourself, your situation, your resources, and making realistic timelines and goals for you. Not the girl down the street, not the person you're following on Instagram, but for yourself. I want you to take a chance on you, trust you, trust you doing what you're doing. I want you to tell your story. Oh, my goodness. We all have a story to tell, and it's dope as hell.

Chi Quita Mack [00:09:57]:
I'm telling you, your story is powerful. Can you scared you out here scared to tell it. And I'm going to raise my hand right now because I was the number one person of this, all right? My story dopest shit. And I was afraid to tell my story. Why? Because I was afraid people's going to talk about me. And I was afraid people are going to judge me for my choices. And I was afraid people are going to blame me. But when I think about my journey and what I already went through, telling my story is the easy part.

Chi Quita Mack [00:10:41]:
I haven't been through the hard part. I was depressed. I've been through that. Suffering from desire, anxiety, still there. Sometimes having to defend your name each and every day in a place you work. That was me. People spreading rumors and lies about you. Yes.

Chi Quita Mack [00:10:59]:
Been there, did that. Everyone making it seem like it's your fault when it's not. Do all that looking around saying, I don't see no light. There's no light at the end of this tunnel that I'm going through. This tunnel is long as shit. When is it going to end? I need some light. I can't breathe. My chest is heavy.

Chi Quita Mack [00:11:22]:
She did that shit. I'm going to tell you about it now. I'm going to tell you all the lessons I learned from that because I went through that. I built that. This is what you got. So no longer will I stand behind my story and be afraid and ashamed, because that story, as bad as it was. And let me tell you, this shit was bad. As bad as that part of my life was, I hate to say it, but it was somewhat necessary because it built me.

Chi Quita Mack [00:11:59]:
It built the chiquita. Matt It built the beauty, and you workbook it built the beauty, and you podcast every time I step out to tell my story, I get emotional. I get teary eyed. All these people looking at me, and I'm about to cry. I don't even know these folks. And every time I walk off the stage, I'm upset. Dang, I almost cried again in front of all these people because I'm human. And although I went through all that and I have a tool bag now, and I know how to process certain things, still hurts, right? Shit still hurts.

Chi Quita Mack [00:12:39]:
But it's not going to stop me from telling my story, because every time I get out here and tell my story, there's at least one person that hit me up and say, yo, I felt that I understood where you were coming from. I've been there. I've done that, too. I'm like. Oh. Whoops. Time to go get ready for the next one. So do not be afraid to tell your story.

Chi Quita Mack [00:13:12]:
Do not be afraid to talk about those parts that aren't so nice because life sucks. And I say that people are like, Keto, why are you saying that? Because it does. Life will throw some shit at you, and you're sitting here like, the hell did it come? I what did I do to deserve that? Is it karma? Hold up. And you're playing it in your head, you're trying to figure it out. Sometimes shit just happens, and it's all about how you react to it. So I will leave you with this, y'all. This is your time. This is your time.

Chi Quita Mack [00:13:56]:
This is for you. Get out there, be confident and tell your story. All right? That is my if you don't take anything else from this 2024 initial podcast, I want you to take that. And before I let you go, I will be in Richmond for the Level Up tour where I will be speaking. So, yes, we are out here telling you, I'm telling my story. I'm out here and we're leveling up. So I will make sure to drop the ticket link below in those show notes come out. I would love to meet you.

Chi Quita Mack [00:14:42]:
I would love to hear your story. And let's do it. This is our year, guys. Until next time.

Jacqueline G. [00:14:48]:
Thank you for joining us on this week's episode of The Beauty and you podcast. Don't forget to rate, review and subscribe, visit or join us on Instagram at thechiquitamack for your daily motivation and inspiration. Tell a friend to tell a friend. Until next time.